viernes, 28 de junio de 2013

S.D.P., Sabemos Descansas en Paz, Yiye Ávila

Profeta de nuestro tiempo, quién? no escuchó a Yiye,el evangelista, celosamente instruirnos de cuál era, a su enterder bíblico, la forma de vivir para ir al cielo. Disciplina que había adquirido en su adiestramiento para competir y ganar dos campeonatos en fisiculturismo, y con el amor de representar a su Tierra, un día decide tomar un ministerio tan comprometedor, que requiere tanto desprendimiento de sí, dándose de entero a la fe y convicción cristiana. Yiye tomó sobre sí el compromiso
de servir a  todo Puerto Rico, con su lema "Cristo Viene". El ex-profesor escolar, de mediana estatura, no cesaba de hacer conversos a los que desconocían cómo comenzar a vivir una experiencia cristiana.
Al principio de su ministerio,y con su estilo peculiar, Yiye quería que todos entraran en una santidad, que se nos hacía un poco difícil comprender. Luego, entendió que Jesús fue algo más flexible en su paciencia con el hombre, y su mensaje. Entonces, el evangelista Yiye, aunque con el mismo celo cristiano, tuvo una variante, que no incluyeron doblez alguna, sino, un grado más amplio de paciencia. Yiye Ávila, sufrió pruebas, y las superó con la fortaleza que Dios le dió. Hacía unos ayunos de 40 días, e instaba a todos a balancear nuestras vidas, añadiendo a nuestro programa diario, la búsqueda sincera al encuentro espiritual. Y vimos sus frutos del Espíritu Santo, como decía su prédica, por eso convencidos decimos:
Hijos espirituales, familia, amigos, conocidos todos, sabemos que Yiye, descansa en paz.

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

video Adidas

3300K   Download  

TODOS los jueves,últimos de mes, MUSICARTE,El Convento


Johnnie Walker te invita

Sistema inmunológico, naturalmente

Para fortalecer el sistema inmunológico, natualmente, incluye estos alimentos y especias en tu dieta alimentaria, lleva los nombres contigo al supermercado para que los recuerdes, y ponlos accesibles en tu counter de cocina para que los utilices. Talvez consigas alguno en un Health food, no en su forma más natural. De esta lista, sólo hay unos 5 que con accesibles y reconocidos, los más usados, como el gingseng, ajo, turmeric. Este último, te lo recomiendo, da un toque especial a tus comidas, y color parecido al achiote, aparte de su gran valor alimentario.Me lo recomendaron y lo conseguí en Freshmart.

1. Echinacea - Echinacea is a popular herb that has been identified to boost immunity. Combined with goldenseal, another herb, or enjoyed alone as tea, this member of the daisy family has been found to prevent and treat upper respiratory tract infections as well as the common cold.

2. Ginseng - This herb has many varieties. The most commonly studied variety is Panax ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng. Its main active component, ginsenosides, has been proven to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Clinical research studies have demonstrated that it may improve immune and psychological functions as well as conditions related to diabetes.

3. Garlic - This spice has had a long history of medicinal value. In a recent study conducted by Dr. Ellen Tattelman, an assistant professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, New York, it was reconfirmed that garlic indeed has cardiovascular, anti-microbial and antineoplastic properties. It’s also a perfect spice to use when doing sauteed dishes.

4. Bell peppers- This pepper variety does not contain capsaicin, unlike its other feisty cousins. On the contrary, it is sweet and crunchy and contains the carotenoid lycopene which lowers the risk of cancer; beta-carotene which is converted to vitamin A; and Zeaxanthin, known to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. This essential foodstuff has been cultivated in Central and South America for 9,000 years.

5. Ginger - This herb has been shown to reduce inflammation, cardiovascular conditions, blood clots and cholesterol. In a study, researchers found that animal subjects given ginger extracts had a significant reduction in cholesterol and blood clotting qualities. Moreover, it has been observed to inhibit the behavior of genes connected with inflammation.

6. Turmeric- This spice contains curcumin, which has notable antioxidant properties. It also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and stomach soothing benefits. It reduces inflammation by stimulating the adrenal glands to increase the hormone that lessens inflammation. Animal studies on this herb have revealed that turmeric protects the liver from the adverse effects of alcohol and certain toxins. Turmeric also helps in digestive problems by stimulating bile flow.

7. Gingko Biloba- Gingko biloba’s leaves contain antioxidant compounds called bilobalides and ginkgolides that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Moreover, it has also been found to protect against radiation. In a study using animal subjects, ginkgo was demonstrated to have protected the test subjects against radiation poisoning. The latest research also suggests that extracts of this herb can neutralize oxidizing agents and free radicals caused in the cells due to radiation, thus preventing cell death. In fact, NaturalNews recently reported that ginkgo extracts reduce brain damage by up to 50 percent.

8. Ganoderma- This is a bitter mushroom also known as reishi. It has long been a popular herb in Chinese medicine attributed to assisting in longevity and health. Further studies on this oriental herb reveal that it strengthens immunity and combats cancer. Moreover, it has antioxidant properties and provides relief from urinary tract infections.

9. Astragalus - Also from China, this herb stimulates the immune system and aids in digestion and adrenal gland functions. It is also a diuretic. The effectiveness of this herb is due to polysaccharides, saponins and flavonoids. It has also been taken to combat the common cold and flu. Its digestive health benefits demonstrate the lowering of stomach acidity, resulting to an increase in the body’s metabolic rates and the promotion of waste elimination.

10. Cat’s claw - This herb from Peru is commonly used for stomach problems. Recently, however, it is becoming known as an exceptional immune response stimulator that helps the body to fight off infections and degenerative diseases. It contains oxindole alkaloids enhancing the immune system’s capacity to engulf and destroy pathogens.

From a practical perspective, eating foods that boost the immune system while enjoying them is a great way to keep yourself healthy and your immune system strong. To reach maximum quality of life, combine healthy food choices with a healthy lifestyle, sufficient rest and a positive outlook.

cortesía de

martes, 25 de junio de 2013

Conservatorio de Música, actividades de conciertos de canto

Cambio de actividad,próximo miércoles, 26 junio.
Los demás conciertos siguen igual.
El concierto pautado para el miércoles, 26 de junio / Concierto de Zarzuela, Festival de Bel Canto, fue pospuesto para el martes, 2 de julio a las 5 PM. Siguen en pie las demás presentaciones del festival. Disculpen los inconvenientes. 

Patio Luis A. Ferré / 5 PM
Libre de costo

19 y 20 de junio  - Conciertos de arias
28 y 29 de junio  - Conciertos de operetas, arias, escenas y ensambles
2 de julio  - Concierto de zarzuela
3 y 4 de julio  - Conciertos de escenas de operetas, arias, y ensambles


Viernes, 5 de julio de 2013
Teatro Bertita y Guillermo L. Martínez, Sala Jesús María Sanromá
7 PM / Donativo $5.00

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Las recetas diarias, toda la semana (en Econo)

Pastelon,Mofongo,Hummus,Pescado,costillas,Ropa Vieja,Quesadillas
Enlace activado, sólo presione, verá las fotografias, método de preparación y los ingredientes, cortesía de EconoSup.

Pastelón de papa y brócoli



  • 5 papas blancas medianas (picadas en cubitos con cáscara)
  • 1 paquete de queso cheddar
  • 1 paquete de brócoli fresco sin tallos
  • 1/4 taza (2oz) Leche Reducida en Grasa
  • 1/2 taza (4oz) Queso Crema
  • 3 cucharadas Mantequilla
  • 1 libra carne molida libre de grasa de pavo, res o pollo
  • 2 cebollas amarillas picaditas
  • 1 lata (Maíz Grano Entero “Whole Kernel Sweet Corn”)


Precalienta el horno a 350 grados. Hierve agua en una cacerola grande. Añade papas y cocinar hasta casi tiernas. Añadir el brócoli a las papas y cocina hasta tierno (como 5 min. en “Med-High”). Escurre. Añade la leche, queso crema y mantequilla a las papas y brócoli. Maja hasta que consigas el espesor deseado. Añade las rebanadas de queso Cheddar y mezcla suavemente hasta que se derrita. Sazona a gusto con sal, pimienta y/o ajo. Mientras, doras la carne molida en un sartén pequeño hasta que esté parejamente cocida. Añade la cebolla y mantén en “Medium” hasta que las cebollas estén tiernas. Echa la mitad de la carne y cebollas en un molde para hornear 9 x 12. Añade las dos latas de maíz, tapando toda la carne y una capa fina de las papas majadas con el queso Cheddar. Comienza de nuevo con una capa de carne y cebollas, y luego el resto de las papas majadas. Cubre con papel de aluminio y hornea de 20 a 30 minutos. Durante los últimos 4 minutos, dora las papas en “Broil”. Sirve al momento.


Pescado a la Parrilla Marinado en Especias



  • 1-4 (6-8 oz.) de filetes de rodaballo sin piel y sin espinas (¾ "a 1" de espesor), u otro pescado de carne firme y grande.
  • 3 cdas. de sazón
  • 2 cdas. de jugo de limón
  • 2 cdta. de mostaza
  • ¼ de taza de aceite de oliva “extra virgen”


Seca el pescado con una toalla de papel. Luego cúbrelo completamente con dos cucharadas de sazonador, presionando para que se adhiera en el pescado. Traslada el pescado a un plato, cubre y refrigera por lo menos 15 minutos, o hasta 1 hora. Aparte, en un tazón pequeño, mezcla el resto de sazonador, el jugo de limón y la mostaza. Vierte lentamente el aceite de oliva, revolviendo constantemente, hasta que estén bien mezclados. Calienta la parrilla a fuego "Medio-Alto". Con una brocha de pastelería, cubre el pescado con la mezcla de aceite de oliva y deja que cocine, volteándolo una vez y cubriéndolo con la salsa para marinar, hasta que esté dorado y apenas opaco en el centro (de 4 a 6 minutos por cada lado). Sirve inmediatamente.

Ropa Vieja



  • 2 ½ lbs de carne (puede usar falda, "Flank Steak") cortada en lascas de 3 a 4 pulgadas
  • 2 cdas de Aceite de Oliva Extra Virgen
  • Adobo con Pimienta, al gusto
  • 3 cdtas. de Ajo Machacado o 6 dientes de ajo fresco, picados
  • 2 ½ tazas de cebolla cortadas finamente
  • 1 ½ taza de pimientos verdes cortados en trozos pequeños
  • ¼ cdta. de Pimienta Negra Molida
  • 1 lata (8 oz.) de Salsa de Tomate
  • 1 frasco (6 oz.) de Sofrito
  • 3 tazas de agua
  • 1 Sobre de Sazón con Culantro y Achiote
  • 1 Sobre de Cubitos en Polvo con sabor a carne
  • 1 frasco (2 oz.) de Alcaparras sin el líquido en que vienen
  • 1 taza de Aceitunas Manzanilla Rellenas, cortadas en rodajas
  • 2 tazas de Arroz Grano Extra Largo


Sazona la carne con el adobo. En una sartén, calienta el aceite a fuego moderado. Dora bien los trozos de carne por ambos lados. Sácalos y manténgalos calientes. Baja el fuego a término medio. Agrega el ajo, la cebolla y el pimiento verde y cocínalos hasta que se ablanden, lo que toma unos 10 minutos. Agrega la pimienta negra y la salsa de tomate. Mezcla bien y cocina por 5 minutos. Agrega el Sofrito, el agua, el Sazón, los Cubitos en Polvo, y hierva la mezcla. Añade en ese momento la carne ya cocida, tapa la olla, baja bien el fuego y cocine por unos 45 minutos, revolviendo ocasionalmente. Agrega entonces las Alcaparras y las Aceitunas y continúa cocinando hasta que la carne esté bien tierna y pueda cortarse en tiras con facilidad. Esto toma más o menos entre 1-1 ½ hora. Añade más agua, ¼ de taza cada vez, si la salsa se seca. Antes de servir desenhebre la carne con un tenedor y mézclela bien con la salsa. Sirva con arroz blanco.

Costillas Glaseadas con Chipotle



  • 3 cdas. de chile en polvo
  • 1 cucharadita de adobo con pimienta
  • 1 cda. de azúcar morena
  • 1 cda. de ajo picado
  • 1 cdta. de orégano seco
  • ½ cdta. de comino molido
  • 2 trozos de costillas (alrededor de 2 libras. c/u), secado con toallas de papel
  • ¼ de taza de salsa de tomate
  • 3 cdas. de salsa
  • 2 chiles finamente picados de 1 lata de (7 oz.) de chiles chipotles adobados
  • 3 cdas. de miel


En un tazón pequeño, mezcla el chile en polvo, 1 cucharada de adobo, azúcar morena, ajo, orégano y comino hasta que estén bien combinados. Frota la mezcla de especias en todas las costillas, concentrándote en la parte carnosa. Traslada las costillas a un asador grande, con la parte más carnosa hacia arriba. Cubre y refrigera por lo menos 4 horas, o hasta 24 horas. Lleva las costillas a temperatura ambiente 30 minutos antes de la cocción. Calienta el horno a 325 F. Cubre bien la cacerola para asar con papel aluminio. Hornea las costillas hasta que estén tiernas por alrededor de 1 hora y 15 minutos (al insertar un cuchillo en el centro debe atravesar suavemente). Retira la sartén del horno y transfiere las costillas a un plato. Mientras tanto, en un tazón pequeño, mezcla la salsa de tomate, la salsa de chipotle, los chiles chipotles picados, la miel y 1 cucharadita de adobo. Mezcla todo, hasta que estén bien combinados y deja a un lado.

Quesadillas de pollo



  • 1 pqt. de 10 plantillas de harina
  • 2 ½ taza de filete de pechuga de pollo (asada y cortadas en tiritas)
  • 1 taza de salsa mejicana
  • 2 tazas de queso “cheddar” con especias (para fajitas)
  • 1 taza de refrito


Unta el refrito a una plantilla y luego coloca unas tiritas de pollo y quesos. Unta salsa a otra plantilla y coloca sobre la otra plantilla. Repite el procedimiento con las otras plantillas hasta formar 5 quesadillas. Prepara a la sartén o al horno hasta que queden doraditas. Corta en triángulos y sirve inmediatamente. Recomendación: acompaña con crema agria y guacamole.




  • 3 plátanos verdes
  • ½ libra de chicharrón
  • 3 dientes de ajos
  • 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva


Remoja los plátanos en 4 tazas de agua con 1 cucharada de sal durante unos 15 minutos. Escúrrelos. Calienta abundante aceite vegetal. Añade las tajadas de plátano y fríe lentamente a temperatura moderada por unos 15 minutos, hasta que se cuezan, sin llegar a tostarse. Saca y escurre. En un mortero, muele bien los ajos y mézclalos con el aceite de oliva. Sácalos del mortero. Muele en el mortero 3 tajadas de plátano frito. Añade un poco de chicharrón y muélelos. Agrégales parte del ajo con aceite y mezcla. Forma bolas y sirve caliente.




  • 1 lata (15.5 oz.) de garbanzos (escurridos y enjuagados)
  • 3 cdas. de aceite de oliva “extra virgen”
  • cdas. de jugo de limón
  • 2 cdta. de ajo picado
  • 1 cdta. de paprika
  • 1/4 cdta. de comino molido (opcional)
  • 1 cda. de perejil picado
  • Adobo con pimienta (al gusto)


En un procesador de alimentos o licuadora combina los garbanzos, el aceite, el jugo de limón, el ajo, 3 cucharadas de agua, la paprika y el comino, si lo desea. Convierte en puré hasta que la mezcla se vea suave y cremosa, aproximadamente por un minuto. Añade el perejil y sazona con el adobo.

domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Espacios para compartir

Un spa de un hotel, y película exterior

Puede usar esta herramienta, e inclusive, incorporarla a su desktop, desde la pantalla de su computadora, cuando aparezcan artículos muy interesantes en otro idioma, recuerde que el blog Hablemos de ... tiene esta herramienta a la parte derecha, abajo.

Milagros de especias, CLAVOS DE ESPECIAS,beneficios a la salud

LA ESPECIA CLAVOS que usamos sólo en Navidades y en jamones,o algún té

The Miracle of Cloves and Clove Oil

The Miracle of Cloves and Clove Oil
by Gaye Levy

Here’s the deal. It’s the weekend (or, like me, you are on vacation in the middle of the ocean) and your tooth starts to hurt. The pain has become so bad you can not eat, can not concentrate and whoa! you can not even enjoy yourself and have fun. What’s a gal or guy to do?

Let me let you in on a secret: you can temporarily mitigate the pain and suffering with oil of clove, an inexpensive and readily available essential oil. Here is what you do:

Put a few drops of clove oil on a cotton ball, place the ball on your sore tooth and bite down. Keep you mouth shut for about 5 minutes as the oil numbs the pain and kills the bacteria.

Afterward, remove the cotton ball and mix a bit of the clove oil (6 to 8 drops will do it), water, and salt into a cup. Swish this around in your mouth for about a minute and spit out. You should feel a whole lot better!

Note: Undiluted clove oil can cause burning and even nerve damage, so be sure to dilute it if you are applying it to sensitive skin tissue. You can still use it directly on a tooth by applying it to a cotton ball or cotton swab first.

So back to my little episode on the ship. Turns out I needed a root canal (which by the way, these days is a piece of cake except for the pain to the wallet). The dentist had one word of advice for me: when in pain, use clove oil. As as matter of fact, he told me that it was a bit of clove oil on a cotton swab that provided preliminary numbing prior to my procedure.

History of Cloves

The use of clove dates back to the Han dynasty (207B.C to 220 A.D.) where it was used to hide bad breath. It was required that those who approached the Chinese emperor hold a clove in their mouth for this purpose. Over the years, traditional Chinese medicine has used cloves to treat indigestion, diarrhea, hernias, ringworm and also athletes foot and other fungal infections.

Cloves arrived in Europe in the 4th century A.D. They were considered a luxury and were used as a part of a mixture it was used to treat gout. Once cloves became readily available in Europe, they were used in a manner similar to traditional Chinese medicine. Europeans used cloves to treat indigestion, flatulence, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It also treated cough, infertility, warts, worms, wounds and toothaches.

In America, cloves have been used to treat digestive disorders and have been used in bitter herb medicine preparations to make them more tasteful.

Factoid: Americans were the first to extract the oil from the clove and it was used on gums to relieve toothaches.

The active component of cloves is eugenol oil. This oil makes up 60-90% of each clove and has long been thought to kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. This oil also acts as an antiseptic, anesthetic, digestive stimulant expectorant, aromatic, antispasmodic, astringent and accounts for its various uses.

Proven Uses of Cloves and Clove Oil

Instant air freshener: Make an atomizer in a spray bottle mixing clove oil with water. Be sure to shake well before each use as oil and water do not stay mixed. If your household is smelling especially bad or is really stale, simmer some cloves, cinnamon and orange peel on the stove for awhile – the smell will be heavenly.

Got Doggie Destructo? You can discourage puppy chewing by dabbing the most likely targets (wood moldings, your slippers) with a bit of clove oil. One sniff and one taste and your pup will move on to something else – hopefully his dog food or doggie toys (try KONG toys The Miracle of Cloves and Clove Oil – they are great).

Non-toxic Insect Repellent: Did you know that many insect repellent companies use Clove essential oil The Miracle of Cloves and Clove Oil as one of the active ingredients in their spray products? If you have some clove leaves or oils, you can simply use these instead of spending money on bug spray. Another thing you can do is plant cloves around the perimeter of your yard to replace the number of bugs that cross into your yard. You can also put some of the oils on your body so bugs and mosquitoes won’t come near you.

What else? Are there other benefits to cloves and clove oils?

As much as I tried, I could only find anecdotal information about the benefits of cloves. There seems to be little or no scientific research into the medicinal uses of cloves which frankly, I find baffling given the huge sums that are devoted to the research of toxic pharmacy products.

That said, here are some of the reported therapeutic uses of cloves and oil of clove:

Anti-bacterial and Anti-fungal: Effectively aid for food poisoning, clove oil effectively kills many forms of bacterial infections. Clove is also effective in reducing fungal infections such as athlete’s foot.

Anti-inflammatory: Clove oil clears the respiratory passages, acting as an expectorant for treating many upper-respiratory conditions including colds, eye sties, bronchitis, sinus conditions, cough and asthma.

Antiseptic: Clove oil can be used to reduce infections, wounds, insect bites and stings.

Cancer Prevention: Preliminary studies suggest that clove oil may play a chemo preventative role, particularly in cases of lung, skin and digestive cancers. The American Cancer Society states that more carefully controlled research is needed to determine the role of Chinese herbal medicine, including cloves, in cancer treatment and prevention.

Cardiovascular Health: The active essential oil in clove, eugenol, has been shown to act as a an effective platelet inhibitor, preventing blood clots.

Energy booster: When used for aromatherapy purposes, clove oil helps to stimulate the brain. The scent makes you more attentive and can even make you feel more energetic than you normally would.

The Miracle of Cloves and Clove Oil

Improve blood circulation: Clove bud oil is one of the ingredients used in Tiger Balm, which is an herbal formulation that dates back to the times of the Chinese emperors. It is used to sooth muscle aches and pains and is though to do so by increasing the blood flow in the affected area.

Indigestion: Clove oil offers a powerful action against gas and bloating. It reduces gas pressure in the stomach, aiding in the proper elimination of food and toxins. It also relieves the discomfort of peptic ulcers. Effective for stomach related conditions including nausea, hiccups, motion sickness and vomiting.

Infections: Due to its antiseptic properties, clove oil is useful for wound, cuts, scabies, athlete’s foot, fungal infections, bruises, prickly heat, scabies, etc. It can also be used for treating insect bites and stings.

Powerful germicidal properties: Gargling with clove oil can aids in sore throat conditions and bad breath.

Premature Ejaculation: Some research has shown that clove may be useful as a aid for premature ejaculation.

Relieve flatulence: A tea made of cloves can relieve the foof’s. Try steeping 5 cloves in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink it when it cools and repeat two of three times daily.

Relieve headaches: Clove oil is useful for reducing the pain and discomfort associated with tension headaches. Apply a rag soaked in clove oils to the forehead or temples to get help open the blood vessels and rid yourself of the headache.

Skin: An aid for skin disorders, such as acne.

Stress reliever: Clove oil stimulates the circulatory system, clearing the mind and reducing mental exhaustion and fatigue. It is also used to aid insomnia, memory loss, anxiety and depression.

Prevention from toxic exposure: Some studies show that clove oil can prevent toxicity related to exposure to environmental pollution.

Make Your Own Clove Oil

Clove oil is easy to make at home.

Take 1/8 cup whole clove and cover with 1/2 cup of vegetable oil. Let sit overnight or for as long as 24 hours then strain and you are all set.

The Final Word

Remember that clove oil is very strong in nature and hence should be used in diluted form. Further, it should not be used on sensitive skin. That said, cloves and clove oil are inexpensive and useful for a variety of purposes and ailments. And for a tooth ache? Well in my view it sure beats strong pain relievers that require a prescription.

Source: Backdoor Survival (print)

Now you can print the names, and search for thems:  PDF

sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Saiku, una experiencia natural


Buenas tardes, te presento a Saiku. Tuve el gusto de conocerla de incógnito, y realmente me quedé pensando en ella. No he conocido su fotografía, ni menos en persona física. Sólo sé que es una maravillosa persona, un ser que puede aportar mucho a tu vida, ya que es rica en su ser interno y conocimientos naturales, de la naturaleza sabia, de sanación, y crecimiento. Todo lo he deducido através del blog, lo que proyecta, y la relación de intercambio entre sus miembros silentes y ella, la administradora del blog, más lo que he percibido, su interés por ayudarnos en salud, física, emocional, sicológica, es por lo que deseo compartir contigo esta experiencia, haciendo sus aportaciones según sus conocimientos de plantas.

 Te incluyo su página blog para tengas una experiencia sensorial, educativa, y terapéutica, tal como las que ella desplega en su página. Por su alto grado de sensibilidad, entiendo que  corresponde al género femenino.
Su lema: "Hay otra vida posible", nos abre una visión inquisitiva a todo lo que Saiku nos ofrece,llenándonos de esperanza.La abreviatura de ar. entiendo corresponde a Argentina.
Dado que Saiku, recién abre su blog, moviéndose de otra página a un blog, todavía no ha hecho las anotaciones básicas en su perfil.  Partiendo desde la premisa, que tiene un gran número de seguidores y admiradores que desean saber un poco más de su persona.  Adelante con la inmersión en su espacio, desde donde se proyecta, su blog.

viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Proteger identidad en tiendas, zip code, voluntario

Corte Declara en caso de solicitud de  Zip Code - en tiendas

clarifying and nonsubstantive suggests the Legislature understood former section
1747.8 to already prohibit the requesting and recording of any of the information,
including ZIP codes, contained on driver‟s licenses and state identification cards.
Second, the 1990 version of former section 1747.8 forbade businesses from
“requir[ing] the cardholder, as a condition to accepting the credit card, to provide
personal identification information . . . .” (Stats. 1990, ch. 999, § 1, p.4192.) In
1991, the provision was broadened, forbidding businesses from “requesting or
requir[ing] as a condition to accepting the credit card . . . , the cardholder to
provide personal identification information . . . .” (Stats. 1991, ch.1089, § 2,p.
5043, italics added.) “The obvious purpose of the 1991 amendment was to
prevent retailers from „requesting‟ personal identification information and then
matching it with the consumer‟s credit card number.”“The 1991 amendment prevents a retailer from making an end run around the law by claiming the customer furnished personal identification data „voluntarily.‟ ” (Ibid.) That the Legislature so expanded the scope of former section 1747.8 is further evidence it intended a broad consumer protection statute.
To be sure, the legislative history does not specifically address the scope of
section 1747.08, subdivision (b) or whether the Legislature intended a ZIP code,
without more, to constitute personal identification information. However, the
legislative history of the Credit Card Act in general, and section 1747.08 in
particular, demonstrates the Legislature intended to provide robust consumer
protections by prohibiting retailers from soliciting and recording information
about the cardholder that is unnecessary to the credit card transaction. Plaintiff‟s
interpretation of section 1747.08 is the one that is most consistent with that
legislative purpose

Nunca des tu zip code en la tienda, ni telefono, al pagar,no es obligatorio

Never Give Stores Your ZIP Code. Here's Why

201 comments, 150 called-out,  6/19/2013 @ 8:19AM |947,212 views

(AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
Why do merchants sometimes ask us for our ZIP code when we buy something?
I recently visited the Mob Museum in Las Vegas, an interesting addition to Sin City’s attractions. I paid my admission with a credit card, prompting the museum ticket seller to ask me: “What’s your ZIP code?”

When I paused for a moment, she added: “It’s for marketing purposes.”
As much as I had heard good things about the museum, I was unlikely to return soon as I live far from Las Vegas, so I was not anxious to receive subsequent marketing. She said it was okay not to give the ZIP code, and then addressed me by name in wishing me a good visit.
Jo Anna Davis remembers one ZIP code request that did not end well. A California victim of domestic violence who works at a group to help other victims, she guards her privacy carefully. Over the years she became a loyal customer of Ulta, the beauty care company. On one occasion she purchased a skin care kit which caused an unpleasant reaction. She brought the kit back to the store for a refund, and the clerk asked for Davis’ ZIP code to process the transaction.
Concerned about her privacy, she declined to provide the information, prompting the clerk to remark that no one had ever refused before. The clerk called the manager, who showed irritation. Davis asked for her receipt back, the manager refused, so she took it herself. An argument ensued. The manager locked the store’s door and demanded it back. “It was absolutely insane.  I’m sure I looked rather crazy myself,” Davis says.
The whole scene emerged only because Davis did not want to share her ZIP code.  Why make such a big deal over five digits that only records that someone lives in the same area as many thousands of others? Because along with other information, the ZIP code may provide the final clue to figuring out your address, phone number and past purchasing details, if a sales clerk sees your name while swiping your credit card.
How does this work? In one of their brochures, direct marketing services company Harte-Hanks describes the GeoCapture service they offer retail businesses as follows: “Users simply capture name from the credit card swipe and request a customer’s ZIP code during the transaction. GeoCapture matches the collected information to a comprehensive consumer database to return an address.”  In a promotional brochure, they claim accuracy rates as high as 100%.
Fair Isaac Corp., a company best known for its FICO credit scores, also offers a similar service which they say can boost direct marketing efforts by as much as 400%. “FICO Contact Builder helps you overcome the common challenges of gathering contact information from shoppers—such as complicating or jeopardizing the sales process by asking for an address or phone number, or complying with regulations,” it says. “It requires minimal customer information captured at point-of-sale, just customer name or telephone number and the customer or store ZIP code.”
Mr. ZIP promoted the use of ZIP codes for the ...
Mr. ZIP promoted the use of ZIP codes for the USPS during the 1960s and 1970s. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Because customers are usually not told that stores are building a marketing database from the transactions, some object.
In one high-profile case, the home furnishings and cookware chain Williams-Sonoma matched names from its credit card sales and ZIP codes with a database to obtain addresses and other information for future marketing. One woman sued, saying she provided her ZIP code thinking it was necessary to complete the credit card transaction. In the resulting case the Direct Marketing Association and privacy groups showed sharply different outlooks on the practice. The case eventually made its way up to the California Supreme Court, which ruled in 2011 that stores cannot require patrons to furnish their ZIP code. California later confirmed the ruling in a law that bars firms (abogados) from collecting personally identifying information during credit card transaction. Courts in other states such as Massachusetts earlier this year have reviewed the issue.
As for Ulta, I contacted Cynthia Payne, the company’s senior vice president of store operations, to ask about Jo Anna Davis’s experience. “It is extremely disappointing for me to know that we have lost a valuable customer and that the service in any one of my stores was less than stellar,” Payne said. She added the company seeks to provide an exceptional guest experience and she offered to contact Davis to undo the damage from that visit.
Just because businesses ask for a ZIP code does not necessarily mean that they will append data to their files to know where you live, your phone number, email and other information. The process costs money, and unless they have a way to market off the data, there would be no reason to do it.
Ashley Misko, the Mob Museum’s director of marketing, did not observe to the code of omerta when I asked what the year-and-a-half old museum does with its customer ZIP codes. She said they do not cross reference names and ZIP codes with other data, but just try to understand where their visitors are coming from.
“Ultimately, understanding how our patrons are finding out about us, which marketing/advertising efforts are affecting them, will give us the ability to make important decisions about our advertising resources and ZIP codes play a huge role in identifying that source,” she said. “We strictly utilize the information we receive to better understand the demographics of the market of those specific ZIP codes.”
Adam Tanner, Contributor
I write about the business of personal data.
6/19/2013 @ 8:19AM |947,212 views, bajar aplicación, video demo instrucciones


Have you ever wondered whether the money you spend ends up funding causes you oppose?
A buycott is the opposite of a boycott. Buycott helps you to organize your everyday consumer spending so that it reflects your principles.
Example: During the SOPA/PIPA debate in 2012, a number of companies pushed to pass legislation that reduced online freedom of expression, while other companies fought hard to oppose the legislation. With Buycott, a campaign can be quickly created around a cause, with the goal of targeting companies with a boycott unless they change their position, or buycotting a company to show your support.
When you use Buycott to scan a product, it will look up the product, determine what brand it belongs to, and figure out what company owns that brand (and who owns that company, ad infinitum). It will then cross-check the product owners against the companies and brands included in the campaigns you've joined, in order to tell you if the scanned product conflicts with one of your campaign commitments.

Buycott aplicación para el supermercado, identificar GMO y no auspiciarlos,baje app

New Buycott App Lets You Take Control Of Your Food Choices

Buycott app lets you vote with your wallet in the supermarket. A new app scans grocery barcodes and more for information about the brand’s parent companies and where those companies spend their money. Know which companies support GMO and where their money is going.

The app takes knowing where your food comes from further, telling you not only what brand belongs to what company, but what that company does with your dollars.

Here’s a concrete example. If GMO labeling is an issue that is important to you (it most definitely is to me), you can join two campaigns on Buycott. The first is “Demand GMO Labeling.” If you join this campaign, any time you scan a product from a company that donated more than $150,000 to oppose GMO labeling in California, the app will tell you that you’re avoiding buying products from that brand.

Currently, the government doesn’t require that any GMO information be passed on to the consumer. Big food corporations want it to stay that way. Monsanto, for example, spends millions of dollars to keep GMO information off of packaging. How much? Buycott will tell you.

Importantly, and promisingly, users can join campaigns (both for and against) issues that they care about. The app keeps track of user input, making it easy to shop for products that don’t conflict with your beliefs. And this is what it is all about: knowing where your food comes from and where the dollars that buy it go.

If initial reaction is any gauge then it would appear this is something that consumers have been waiting for. There have been some negative user reviews as Buycott has been struggling to deal with the traffic. However, it’s worth keeping an eye on, just like your grocery basket.

Bolivia cierra todos McDonald/s fast food

McDonald’s closing all restaurants in Bolivia as nation rejects fast food

by Lance Devon

(NaturalNews) McDonald’s happy image and its golden arches aren’t the gateway to bliss in Bolivia. This South American country isn’t falling for the barrage of advertising and fast food cooking methods that so easily engulf countries like the United States.

Bolivians simply don’t trust food prepared in such little time. The quick and easy, mass production method of fast food actually turns Bolivians off altogether. Sixty percent of Bolivians are an indigenous population who generally don’t find it worth their health or money to step foot in a McDonald’s. Despite its economically friendly fast food prices, McDonald’s couldn’t coax enough of the indigenous population of Bolivia to eat their BigMacs, McNuggets or McRibs.

One indigenous woman, Esther Choque, waiting for a bus to arrive outside a McDonald’s restaurant, said, “The closest I ever came was one day when a rain shower fell and I climbed the steps to keep dry by the door. Then they came out and shooed me away. They said I was dirtying the place. Why would I care if McDonald’s leaves [Bolivia]?”

Fast food chain remained for a decade, despite losses every year

The eight remaining McDonald’s fast food shops that stuck it out in the Bolivian city’s of La Paz, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz de la Sierra, had reportedly operated on losses every year for a decade. The McDonald’s franchise had been persistent over that time, flexing its franchise’s deep pockets to continue business in Bolivia.

Any small business operating in the red for that long would have folded and left the area in less than half that time. Even as persistent as McDonald’s was in gaining influence there, it couldn’t continue operating in the red. After 14 years of presence in the country, their extensive network couldn’t hold up the Bolivian chain. Store after store shut down as Bolivia rejected the McDonald’s fast food agenda. Soon enough, they kissed the last McDonald’s goodbye.

Deep cultural rejection

The McDonald’s impact and its departure from Bolivia was so lasting and important, that marketing managers immediately filmed a documentary called, “Why McDonalds’s went broke in Bolivia.”

Featuring, cooks, nutritionist, historians, and educators, this documentary breaks down the disgusting reality of how McDonald’s food is prepared and why Bolivians reject the whole fast food philosophy of eating.

The rejection isn’t necessarily based on the taste or the type of food McDonald’s prepared. The rejection of the fast food system stemmed from Bolivian’s mindset of how meals are to be properly prepared. Bolivians more so respect their bodies, valuing the quality of what goes into their stomach. The time it takes for fast food to be prepared throws up a warning flag in their minds. Where other cultures see no risk, eating McDonald’s every week; Bolivians feel that it just isn’t worth the health risk. Bolivians seek well prepared, local meals, and want to know that their food was prepared the right way.

This self respect helps Bolivians avoid processed “restructured meat technology,” often used by fast food joints like McDonald’s.

The McRib: 70 ingredients all restructured into one

Did you know that the McRib is processed with 70 different ingredients which include azodicarbonamide, a flour-bleaching agent often used in producing foamed plastics? McRib’s are basically “restructured meat technology” containing a mixture of tripe, heart, and scalded stomach. Proteins are extracted from this muscle mixture and they bind the pork trimmings together so they can be molded in a factory. The McRib is really just a molded blob of restructured meat, advertised and sold like fresh ribs. There’s nothing real about it, the preparation or the substance. In fact, McRibs really came about because of a chicken shortage. The restructured meat technology approach kept the McRib on the menu, despite the shortage, and the profits continued rolling in.

This is the very disgusting idea that the Bolivians have rejected in their country.

The Bolivian rejection of McDonald’s has set a proper example for the rest of the world to follow.

31 millones GMO comidas servidas a niños en escuelas cada dia

31 Million GMO meals are served to kids in schools each day; 3 moms are fighting for change

by Zen Honeycutt

This is the tale of three school districts and the mothers who are asking for healthier school lunches.

31 million GMO school lunches are served a day to our children in America.

These meals also contain food dyes, pesticides, synthetic chemicals and high fructose corn syrup which have been linked to diabetes, autism, food allergies, ADHD and auto immune diseases.

We are three Moms requesting that Choicelunch, (which offers pesticide free, dye free and high fructose free and WILL supply GMO free lunches to our districts if accepted), be considered as a vendor for our schools and offer a second option.

We have 3 minutes in front of our school board at an open meeting to present.

Two weeks ago Kathleen Hallal approached her school board in Irvine, she took the approach of not focusing on GMOs and just requesting that the food be synthetic chemical and pesticide free. Then she met with her school Food Services Department, where she did share the full story of health risks and behavioral impact, and left the meeting saying “Zen, it was like a miracle!” The Food Services nutritionist who was also present,has a 14-month-old and she already knew something about organic food. Both she and the director were open to the idea of having a “clean food” option. In fact, they were interested in not just offering a second choice but replacing some of the other foods in the cafeteria as well!

I was THRILLED and inspired and so hopeful! We are going to do this! It just takes one person to make a difference!

Zen Honeycutt ( that’s me) presented last week to my board. I was nervous but I clearly quoted stats and chose to mention genetically modified foods once during the three minutes. I am not sure if it is because I mentioned GMOs or not, but my district is taking a different view. Yesterday, I requested a follow up meeting with my Food Services Director but was told “I have just been advised that the Board is not interested in pursuing the Choicelunch option at this time. Therefore there is no need to pursue this further and set up a meeting with the company.”

No reason. No meeting to even present the concept. No interest. I felt like my heart was crushed.

I implored the Food Service director to meet with me anyway, as her assessment of the program would make a difference.

Instead of a response from her, I got a response back from the Board of Ed, saying that they are not interested “due to all the reason the food service director previously explained to you.”

Which was… that the Board of Ed decided not to…which is not a reason….

I wracked my brain. Then journalist from the OC Register who is doing a story on what I proposed, called me and told me that she just spoke to the Food Service director and her reasoning was that food was too expensive and that they didn’t want to offer healthier meals to some kids but not to others. The last reason made me want to scream inside …so do NOTHING?? So NO child gets a choice?

I was afraid I might turn into a screaming banshee, so I took a deep breath and responded with as much clarity as I could.

I addressed the cost only first, explaining how the online cost of $4.50 is for individual orders, and the district cost would be only 15 cents more or less than our current price of 2.50, and that parents are willing to pay a dollar more, resulting in a 1.5 million dollar profit for the school district if only 25% of the students in the district order the lunches. That money could potentially go towards improving the organic options in the national lunch program meals, for the kids who cannot afford 5.00 more per week, resulting in improved lunches for all.

Their response was “The cost was the least significant reason in the decision. It is more about the implications it would have on our Federal and State programs. The Board is not willing to jeopardize funding or compliance issues.”

ARRRRGH!!! It’s always money over health! Always! And that is why the status of our children’s health is the way it is!!

Again, breathing, I responded, “Ok I understand you do not want to jeopardize funding or compliance issues. Of course. This program is successfully working in 250 other schools however, that have worked out funding and compliance issues.Can I connect you with a food service director and board member from another school where they have sorted that out?”

The response 5 minutes ago was, “No thank you. The board has made their decision.”

Breathing…breathing…I have not responded yet. What do you think?

What has my chest tighten and throat clench is the thought and fear that somehow, I am messing this opportunity up for thousands of kids in my district…that the way I am being about this, persistent, passionate, and perfectly clear that GMOs are one of the reasons for my request to offer a healthier lunch, is somehow screwing it up. Kathleen did better not mentioning GMOs. I have a past history with my food services director where I did discuss GMOs with her so she know this is a mission of mine. What boils my blood is that GMOs might even be controversial. What has me deeply dismayed is the possibility that the Food Services director disagreeing with my approach for any reason, could affect the health of so many. The skepticism, the fear of rocking the boat with the current system, the resignation that things could be any other way, is soul crushing. It feels like the worst defeat of all because it affects the future of children. But I know I am not defeated.

I want to be clear. I WANT to affect the federal and state programs. I WANT to have less money go towards nutritionally bankrupt, toxic GMO food with additives like high fructose corn syrup, food dyes and synthetic chemical pesticides that have been linked to autism, diabetes, ADHD, life threatening food allergies, auto immune disorders and more..I am proposing a plan for THAT food to get less of our money and organic food to get more. YES.

I ask all Moms and anyone who wants to rock the boat, disrupt the current system and put a dent in the 31 million GMO meals served a day to our kids, to stand up and speak at your board meeting. It just takes one to speak, but it’s going to take thousands of us supporting the speakers to have this happen.

Source: Moms Across America