As the new maths confirms, and placed in the cosmo magazine, the news is that Pluto, as we always thought, it is not a planet. So, watch the full story at the bottom link, thanks.
lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015
Do you care your childs? and the whole family?
Mercury drive liver damage, and is present in the vaccines given to children.
The state of California is now injecting children with mercury, casting aside its own California Health and Safety Code Section 124172 which prohibits mercury in vaccines given to children.
I've printed the bizarre letter from California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Diana S. Dooley who now urges all children in California to be injected with mercury TWICE.
Her reasoning? The state has run out of mercury-free flu shots. So now she demands children be injected with mercury.
Wow. At what point do we just start calling California a medical dictatorship that's committing vaccine violence against children?
Click here for the letter + article + podcast.
The state of California is now injecting children with mercury, casting aside its own California Health and Safety Code Section 124172 which prohibits mercury in vaccines given to children.
I've printed the bizarre letter from California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Diana S. Dooley who now urges all children in California to be injected with mercury TWICE.
Her reasoning? The state has run out of mercury-free flu shots. So now she demands children be injected with mercury.
Wow. At what point do we just start calling California a medical dictatorship that's committing vaccine violence against children?
Click here for the letter + article + podcast.
domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015
Polvorones de almendras, hechos en casa
Si hay un dulce típico de estas fechas navideñas que se aproximan, este es el polvorón.
Lo normal es en estas fechas encontrarnos en los diferentes
supermercados encontrarnos con enorme estantes con todo tipo de
polvorones y sabores a granel y hacernos con un surtido variado para los
postres de las comidas y cenas navideñas.
Pero si prefieres hacerlos tú mismo en casa, hoy vamos a ver cómo hacer polvorones de almendra en casa, con lo cual siempre que se nos antojen los podremos elaborar con independencia de la época del año, no solo en Navidades.
Son muy sencillos de hacer y realmente ricos que quedan, además que son de nuestra total confianza.
Vamos a ver qué necesitamos para hacer nuestros polvorones de almendra.
Tostaremos también en el horno las almendras unos 20 minutos para posteriormente pasarlas por un picador.
Tamizamos también el azúcar glass.
En un bol mezclamos al azúcar tamizado con la manteca y lo empezamos a batir. Ni que decir tiene que mejor una batidora eléctrica que a mano. Lo haremos a velocidad baja. Cuando este bien mezclado echamos las almendras picadas y una cucharadita de canela. Posteriormente añadimos la harina. Todo lo haremos a velocidad baja.
Cuando esté todo bien conjuntado lo pasamos a un bol de cristal y amasamos un poco más con las manos.
Extendemos la masa encima de una mesa y le daremos un centímetro de grosor. Los cortamos con ayuda de un cortador redondo o un vaso y con cuidado los vamos levantando de la mesa los ovalamos para que tengan forma de polvorón y los vamos colocando en una bandeja de horno con papel de hornear debajo. Cuando la tengamos completa la meteremos en la nevera unos 30 minutos, de donde la sacaremos y la meteremos en el horno 20 minutos a 200º y ya saldrán nuestros polvorones caseros. Podemos envolvernos en papel, con lo que nos quedarán como de compra y se conservarán más tiempo, aunque si están buenos mucho no durarán.
Pero si prefieres hacerlos tú mismo en casa, hoy vamos a ver cómo hacer polvorones de almendra en casa, con lo cual siempre que se nos antojen los podremos elaborar con independencia de la época del año, no solo en Navidades.
Son muy sencillos de hacer y realmente ricos que quedan, además que son de nuestra total confianza.
Vamos a ver qué necesitamos para hacer nuestros polvorones de almendra.
- 1 Kilo de harina de trigo
- ½ Kilo de manteca de cerdo
- ½ Kilo de azúcar glass
- ¼ Kilo de almendra
- 1 Cucharada de canela
- Más azúcar para el acabado
Tostaremos también en el horno las almendras unos 20 minutos para posteriormente pasarlas por un picador.
Tamizamos también el azúcar glass.
En un bol mezclamos al azúcar tamizado con la manteca y lo empezamos a batir. Ni que decir tiene que mejor una batidora eléctrica que a mano. Lo haremos a velocidad baja. Cuando este bien mezclado echamos las almendras picadas y una cucharadita de canela. Posteriormente añadimos la harina. Todo lo haremos a velocidad baja.
Cuando esté todo bien conjuntado lo pasamos a un bol de cristal y amasamos un poco más con las manos.
Extendemos la masa encima de una mesa y le daremos un centímetro de grosor. Los cortamos con ayuda de un cortador redondo o un vaso y con cuidado los vamos levantando de la mesa los ovalamos para que tengan forma de polvorón y los vamos colocando en una bandeja de horno con papel de hornear debajo. Cuando la tengamos completa la meteremos en la nevera unos 30 minutos, de donde la sacaremos y la meteremos en el horno 20 minutos a 200º y ya saldrán nuestros polvorones caseros. Podemos envolvernos en papel, con lo que nos quedarán como de compra y se conservarán más tiempo, aunque si están buenos mucho no durarán.
viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015
3D-printed vertebrae fixes cancer patient's spine
3D-printed vertebrae fixes cancer patient’s spine
By Melissa Bailey
It was ten years ago that I was wheeled into surgery for an anterior lumbar spinal fusion for scoliosis. Without the medical speak, that means I was going to have the discs between my vertebrae removed in the lower section of my spine, which would eventually fuse the vertebrae together into a solid bone with the help of a titanium rod and screws to fix a curve in my spine. It was a major but successful operation.
A year on, I was able to function perfectly well with only a few slight differences to how my life had been before I had the operation and one major difference – I was no longer wonky! It has had me thinking ever since about how the surgery could have been less evasive, or more effective. What happens to someone in a car crash who needs a whole vertebra replaced? Or a few vertebrae for that matter? It just so happens that orthopaedic surgeons have been thinking the same thing.
Recently, in a five-hour operation on a twelve-year-old cancer patient named Qin Minglin, surgeons in Beijing were able to remove the affected vertebra and replace it with a 3D-printed vertebra. In the first-of-its-kind surgery, doctors noted that the structure of the 3D-printed vertebra needed to be exactly the same as the patient’s bone structure and that it matches the anatomical structure of the patient. This means that the vertebra was specifically designed for Qin Minglin’s spine, and he will experience faster recovery and increased mobility after he heals.
The 3D-printing is created by layering material in specific patterns or shapes to make an object from a digital model. Qin Minglin’s new vertebra was created from titanium powder. Amazingly, the vertebra was designed with small holes that naturally allow the boy’s bones to grow into it, which provides a permanent bond between the implant and the vertebrae surrounding it without the use of cement or screws.
Qin Minglin is said to be in good physical condition and is expected to make a strong recovery. It will be interesting to see the other implants used, as medical research and 3D-printing continue to operate in conjunction with one another.
(this is an atheism blog-idalia note)
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It was ten years ago that I was wheeled into surgery for an anterior lumbar spinal fusion for scoliosis. Without the medical speak, that means I was going to have the discs between my vertebrae removed in the lower section of my spine, which would eventually fuse the vertebrae together into a solid bone with the help of a titanium rod and screws to fix a curve in my spine. It was a major but successful operation.
A year on, I was able to function perfectly well with only a few slight differences to how my life had been before I had the operation and one major difference – I was no longer wonky! It has had me thinking ever since about how the surgery could have been less evasive, or more effective. What happens to someone in a car crash who needs a whole vertebra replaced? Or a few vertebrae for that matter? It just so happens that orthopaedic surgeons have been thinking the same thing.
Recently, in a five-hour operation on a twelve-year-old cancer patient named Qin Minglin, surgeons in Beijing were able to remove the affected vertebra and replace it with a 3D-printed vertebra. In the first-of-its-kind surgery, doctors noted that the structure of the 3D-printed vertebra needed to be exactly the same as the patient’s bone structure and that it matches the anatomical structure of the patient. This means that the vertebra was specifically designed for Qin Minglin’s spine, and he will experience faster recovery and increased mobility after he heals.
The 3D-printing is created by layering material in specific patterns or shapes to make an object from a digital model. Qin Minglin’s new vertebra was created from titanium powder. Amazingly, the vertebra was designed with small holes that naturally allow the boy’s bones to grow into it, which provides a permanent bond between the implant and the vertebrae surrounding it without the use of cement or screws.
Qin Minglin is said to be in good physical condition and is expected to make a strong recovery. It will be interesting to see the other implants used, as medical research and 3D-printing continue to operate in conjunction with one another.
(this is an atheism blog-idalia note)
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jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015
The superflower Rose
Cyborg rose wired with self-growing circuits

The technology could one day help to regulates when plants bloom.

Scientists have created roses that have self-assembling electronic
circuits inside them. The method could one day help produce
self-monitoring plants.
(Photo: Linköping University)
Scientists splice genes from roses and celery to create superflower
Scientists splice genes from roses and celery to create superflower
Related on MNN - Mother Nature Network, by
By: Tia Ghose, LiveScience November 23, 2015, 10:47 a.m
By: Tia Ghose, LiveScience November 23, 2015, 10:47 a.m
Photo: robin_24/Flickr
The idea of offering celery as a Valentine's Day gift to your loved one
instead of chocolate might send the wrong message, but scientists
working to improve the rose genome could make the low-calorie stem a
popular Feb. 14 present after all.
It turns out that one particular gene from celery — the one that controls the enzyme mannitol dehydrogenase — greatly improves the life and quality of rose petals when that gene is spliced into the rose genome. So in an effort to help you get more value from your Valentine's Day gifts, North Carolina State horticultural scientists Dr. John Dole and Dr. John Williamson are leading an effort to insert that gene into roses to create a new superflower less prone to wilt and more resistant to disease, according to
"This gene is naturally found in many plants, but it's uncertain whether the rose already has it," said Williamson. "If it does, it doesn't produce enough enzyme to help the plant fight against petal blight."
Petal blight, or botrytis, is a common post-harvest disease in roses that produces wilty, mushy petals. It's caused by invading fungal pathogens that break down the flower's defenses by producing a sugar alcohol called mannitol. Plants that produce enough mannitol dehydrogenase enzyme, like celery, can better break down this sugar alcohol and thus maintain their form for longer.
Roses that contain the celery gene don't smell any different than normal roses, according to the N.C. State researchers. The only noticeable difference between normal roses and these superflowers should be their vase life.
The research is part of a larger effort by Dole and Williamson to build a better rose. Besides implanting the celery gene, the researchers are also examining the types of sugars best suited for mixture with water to keep the plants thriving after they've been harvested. They are even studying how variance in water quality across the country affects the life expectancy of cut roses.
The ultimate goal, according to Dole, is to get roses to survive for up to three to four weeks after they've been harvested. If they succeed, before long your loved one may be able to cherish her Valentine's Day gift well into spring.
It turns out that one particular gene from celery — the one that controls the enzyme mannitol dehydrogenase — greatly improves the life and quality of rose petals when that gene is spliced into the rose genome. So in an effort to help you get more value from your Valentine's Day gifts, North Carolina State horticultural scientists Dr. John Dole and Dr. John Williamson are leading an effort to insert that gene into roses to create a new superflower less prone to wilt and more resistant to disease, according to
"This gene is naturally found in many plants, but it's uncertain whether the rose already has it," said Williamson. "If it does, it doesn't produce enough enzyme to help the plant fight against petal blight."
Petal blight, or botrytis, is a common post-harvest disease in roses that produces wilty, mushy petals. It's caused by invading fungal pathogens that break down the flower's defenses by producing a sugar alcohol called mannitol. Plants that produce enough mannitol dehydrogenase enzyme, like celery, can better break down this sugar alcohol and thus maintain their form for longer.
Roses that contain the celery gene don't smell any different than normal roses, according to the N.C. State researchers. The only noticeable difference between normal roses and these superflowers should be their vase life.
The research is part of a larger effort by Dole and Williamson to build a better rose. Besides implanting the celery gene, the researchers are also examining the types of sugars best suited for mixture with water to keep the plants thriving after they've been harvested. They are even studying how variance in water quality across the country affects the life expectancy of cut roses.
The ultimate goal, according to Dole, is to get roses to survive for up to three to four weeks after they've been harvested. If they succeed, before long your loved one may be able to cherish her Valentine's Day gift well into spring.
Related topics:
Valentine's Day
Roses get celery gene to help fight disease

Roses get celery gene to help fight disease
A study of roses that
have a strong scent revealed a previously unknown chemical process in
their petals that is key to their fragrance. Experts said the finding
might let scientists restore a pleasing scent to rose varieties that
have lost it because of breeding for traits like color or longevity.
Results are reported in a study released Thursday, July 2, 2015 by the
journal Science. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
Read more at:
Credit: Becky Kirkland, NC State UniversityRead more at:

A study of roses that
have a strong scent revealed a previously unknown chemical process in
their petals that is key to their fragrance. Experts said the finding
might let scientists restore a pleasing scent to rose varieties that
have lost it because of breeding for traits like color or longevity.
Results are reported in a study released Thursday, July 2, 2015 by the
journal Science. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
Read more at:
Read more at:
A study of roses that
have a strong scent revealed a previously unknown chemical process in
their petals that is key to their fragrance. Experts said the finding
might let scientists restore a pleasing scent to rose varieties that
have lost it because of breeding for traits like color or longevity.
Results are reported in a study released Thursday, July 2, 2015 by the
journal Science. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
Read more at:
Read more at:
A study of roses that
have a strong scent revealed a previously unknown chemical process in
their petals that is key to their fragrance. Experts said the finding
might let scientists restore a pleasing scent to rose varieties that
have lost it because of breeding for traits like color or longevity.
Results are reported in a study released Thursday, July 2, 2015 by the
journal Science. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
Read more at:
Read more at:
NC State University
roses contain something extra to keep them safe from petal blight: a
gene from celery. Credit: Becky Kirkland, NC State University
Read more at:
Read more at:
NC State University
roses contain something extra to keep them safe from petal blight: a
gene from celery. Credit: Becky Kirkland, NC State University
Read more at:
Read more at:
NC State University
roses contain something extra to keep them safe from petal blight: a
gene from celery. Credit: Becky Kirkland, NC State University
Read more at:
Read more at:
NC State University
roses contain something extra to keep them safe from petal blight: a
gene from celery. Credit: Becky Kirkland, NC State University
Read more at:
from PinterestRead more at:
A study of roses that
have a strong scent revealed a previously unknown chemical process in
their petals that is key to their fragrance. Experts said the finding
might let scientists restore a pleasing scent to rose varieties that
have lost it because of breeding for traits like color or longevity.
Results are reported in a study released Thursday, July 2, 2015 by the
journal Science. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
Read more at:
Read more at:
A study of roses that
have a strong scent revealed a previously unknown chemical process in
their petals that is key to their fragrance. Experts said the finding
might let scientists restore a pleasing scent to rose varieties that
have lost it because of breeding for traits like color or longevity.
Results are reported in a study released Thursday, July 2, 2015 by the
journal Science. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
Read more at:
Read more at:
martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015
Tilapia, avoid this farmed fish
Why You Should Never Eat Tilapia
However, the tilapia we’re eating is almost entirely a farmed fish, meaning it’s almost impossible to find wild tilapia in a grocery store or on any restaurant menu. And the farming is usually done on an industrial scale, with thousands of fish being harvested every day.
Their feed is not natural — in the wild, tilapia would eat algae and lake plants, but the farms fatten up the fish on GMO corn and soy pellets. The amount of healthful fish oils in these creatures is almost non-existent, negating the main reason why fish is so good for us.
Recent Studies have found that farm-raised Tilapia may cause more inflammation.

Farm-raised tilapia has always been a popular source for fish, not only because it is widely available in the US, but it is also very inexpensive.
However, before you stock up on Tilapia, you may want to know about its correlation to inflammation.
Recent studies have concluded that eating Tilapia may worsen inflammation that can lead to heart disease, arthritis, asthma and a world of other serious health problems. People who resort to eating more fish as a way to get their dose of omega-3-fatty-acids and lessen their risk of heart attacks may want to hold off on the tilapia.
In fact, scientists have found that the inflammatory potential of tilapia is far greater than that of a feed-lot hamburger or bacon!
Farmed fish may have at least 10 times the amount of cancer causing organic pollutants compared to the wild variety.

If you knew what went into the feeds of farm raised fish you would be horrified.
Apparently, chicken feces is one of the main ingredients that go into farm fish feed. Not only that, the transfer of pig and duck waste to fish farms is also a very common practice.
Farm-bred fish have been found to have high concentrations of antibiotics and pesticides.

Where do farm-bred fish get their antibiotics? The crowded conditions of fish farms cause the fish to be more susceptible to disease.
To keep them alive, farm owners give antibiotics to the fish to stave off disease.
Farm-bred fish are also treated with pesticides to combat sea lice. The pesticides used to treat these fish are so deadly that they have been caused to kill wild salmon that are accidentally exposed to them.
These pesticides are also eventually released in the ocean where they get into the bodies and systems of other marine life
5. Poor Omega-3 to Omega-6 Ratios
Farm-bred fish also have lower levels of healthy nutrients.Many of us consume fish, hoping to reap the omega-3 fatty acid benefits that come with it. However, did you know that the omega-3-acids that are found in farm-raised fish are less usable to our bodies compared to wild bred fish?
Farm-raised fish also has a lower protein content.
Not only that, because farm-raised fish are kept in cages, they have the tendency to be fattier, and can have a higher concentration of omega-6 acids. The problem with getting too much omega-6 acids is that they may cause inflammation to the body due to imbalance
6. High Dioxin Levels

Dioxin is actually a very toxic chemical that can contribute to cancer and other complications. The problem with dioxin is that once it enters our system, it can take a very long time until it is let out.
The half life of dioxin is about 7 to 11 years.
Article Sources:,,
Article courtesy by

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domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015
Pavo al whiskey,coquito de chocolate y avellanas, y otras recetas
Precalienta el horno a 375 °F.
Envuelve el pavo con tocineta y pínchalos con palillos de dientes, salpimenta a tu gusto y añade un chorrito de aceite de oliva ECONO. Pon el pavo en una bandeja con la mitad de la botella del whiskey vertida en ella, llévalo al horno y deja calentar por 20 minutos. Abre el horno, retira el pavo cuidadosamente, vierte el resto del whisky y mételo al horno nuevamente hasta que se haya cocido por fuera y por dentro. Sirve con arroz con gandules, ensalada de papas o lo que desees. |
Precalienta el horno a 350 °F.
Con un cuchillo pequeño, haz varios cortes sobre el pernil y rellénalos con el ajo molido ECONO. Condimenta con sal ECONO y pimienta. Coloca 3 hojas de laurel en un asador, y sobre las hojas, el pernil, dejando la parte con más grasa hacia arriba. Mientras, mezcla el vinagre de vino con el tomillo en un bowl y rocía el pernil con esta mezcla. Lleva el pernil al horno por 3 horas o hasta que se cocine bien por fuera y por dentro. Mientras se cocina el pernil, rocíalo con los jugos de la cocción para sellar bien el sabor. Una vez cocido, retira el pernil del horno y cúbrelo con papel aluminio para que se redistribuyan los jugos. Espera al menos 15 minutos antes de cortar la carne. |
En una olla con aceite de oliva ECONO, sofríe la cebolla y el ajo molido
ECONO hasta dorar. Agrega el azafrán y cocina un minuto más.
Agrega el arroz ECONO y mezcla bien. Añade dos tazas de agua y una cucharadita de sal ECONO, y cocina hasta que el agua evapore. Tapa la olla, baja el fuego y cocina 20 minutos más. Corta la parte de arriba del tomate y, con mucho cuidado, retira las semillas. Salpimenta y añade una pizca de sal ECONO y pimienta. Hornea el tomate a 320°F por 25 minutos. Rellena el tomate con el arroz y hornea 10 minutos más. Sirve y disfruta. |
Pica la cebolla y el cilantrillo. Disuelve el cubito de caldo de pollo en las dos tazas de agua. Escurre los gandules ECONO.
Vierte aceite de oliva ECONO en una olla y sofríe la cebolla, el cilantro y el orégano, a fuego medio alto, removiendo con frecuencia por 5 minutos o hasta que las cebollas se ablanden. Agrega la pasta de tomate y sigue removiendo todo por 2 minutos más, o hasta que veas que el sofrito se carameliza. Añade los gandules ECONO, el agua, el cubito de caldo de pollo, la leche de coco y una pizca de sal ECONO. Mezcla todo bien y espera hasta que hierva. Añade el arroz ECONO, baja el fuego y deja cocinar el arroz con gandules y coco hasta que el agua se haya evaporado por completo. No revuelvas el arroz. Cuando el agua se haya evaporado, baja a fuego lento y, con una cuchara grande, menea el arroz desde abajo hacia arriba. Tapa la olla y deja cocinar por 20 minutos. Deja reposar un par de minutos y sirve con tu pavo, pernil o lo que desees. |
Pon las papas en una olla con agua hirviendo. Sácalas y pásalas por agua
fría, déjalas reposar hasta que enfríen, pícalas y déjalas aparte.
En una sartén a fuego medio-bajo con aceite ECONO pon a sofreír la cebolla, la cucharadita de ajo molido ECONO y el pimiento verde picadito hasta que la cebolla esté transparente y el pimiento verde esté tierno. Añade el pimiento picante y el azafrán, remueve varias veces, añade el tomate triturado y deja cocinar a fuego lento entre 15 y 20 minutos, removiendo con frecuencia. Vierte un chorrito de vinagre y pasa la salsa por la licuadora. Fríe las papas en una sartén caliente con aceite de oliva ECONO y cuando estén listas, sácalas, ponlas en un plato y vierte sobre ellas la salsa que licuaste. ¡Tus papas bravas ya están listas para comerse! |
Corta la calabaza en trozos y ponlos en una olla con agua hirviendo por
25 minutos o hasta que, al insertar un tenedor, notes que están
ablandados. Cuando eso ocurra, saca los trozos de calabaza de la olla,
pélalos y licúalos hasta quedar como puré. Agrega la crema de leche y el
queso crema, y sigue batiendo hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea.
Añade la azúcar, canela y el jengibre en polvo, y mezcla bien. Deja la mezcla aparte en lo que preparas la base del cheesecake. Mezcla el spread ECONO con las galletas trituradas hasta obtener una masa. Cuando consigas la masa, distribúyela sobre la masa de la tarta y aplástala con los dedos para que quede una base delgada. Lleva la tarta a la nevera y refrigera como por quince minutos. Saca la base de tu cheesecake, agrega la mezcla de la calabaza y refrigera por 3 horas. Mientras más tiempo, mejor. Saca el cheesecake de la nevera, agrega canela en polvo, desmolda y ¡disfruta tu sexto día de sabor! |
Esta Navidad, lúcete fusionando una de nuestras
bebidas tradicionales más ricas con uno de los sabores más populares del
momento - el chocolate con avellanas. Lo único que tienes que hacer es
mezclar todos los ingredientes en una licuadora, guardar la mezcla en
una botella de cristal y ponerla en la nevera hasta el momento de
jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015
Mazapán, receta en video
Mazapán de Soto, receta
- 500 gr. de almendra molida 1
- 500 gr. de azúcar 1
- 200 gr. de patata 2 –guaya en guayador
- Ralladura de 1 limón 1 mezcla todo
- Obleas para la base
- Almíbar a punto de hebra (azúcar con agua) para pintarlos
Método de preparación
Comienze a preparar el almíbar.
Primero mezcle la almendra, azucar y la ralladura de limón.
Amace, hasta quedar compacto.
Luego agregue la patata guayada en un guayador.
Vuelva a unir, amazando. Ya compacto, forme las bolitas.
Y ponga sobre el obleas, que son como las tortillas mejicanas,
sólo para una base en el horno. (Diría que las obleas no son tan necesarias- Idalia)
Le pone el almibar que se hizo, pintándolos.
En el horno en broil por media hora a 200 grados.
cortesía de
Cocina Familiar con Javier Romero
Un poco de historia del mazapán
diferencia, con la ventaja que quizás nos salgan mas baratos y que cuesta como una hora hacerlos.
Un poco de historia del mazapán
De origen Árabe, como no, el “Mazapán de Soto”
tal y como se le conoce surgió en un convento, donde sor Purificación Redondo
Tejada, supongo que para conseguir fondos para el convento, comenzó la
elaboración de los mazapanes en la población Riojana Soto de Cameros. La receta
pasó a su hermano Juán de Dios, que impulso la elaboración comercial del
Dada la importancia de
este producto en La Rioja, cuenta con la certificación de La Rioja
Calidad, denominación que se da en la región a los productos de
relevancia. Hoy en día los elaboran varias empresas y seguro, seguro que cada “maestrillo
tiene su librillo”, pero la receta que os traigo es una buena base y os
garantizo que si cerráis los ojos tampoco vais a notar mucha diferencia, con la ventaja que quizás nos salgan mas baratos y que cuesta como una hora hacerlos.
El programa Cocina Familiar con Javier Romero, se transmite
de lunes a viernes en su página de Facebook, también
en su canal de Youtube y tenemos a
vuestra disposición un nuevo medio de comunicación, un canal de TV por internet
llamado, en el que vais a encontrar todos los vídeos del programa
además de unos vídeos tutoriales de cocina para principiantes. La receta de hoy
es un dulce navideño, el mazapán de soto.
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