lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014
Styrene - Ingredient can cause cancer
Expert Panel Confirms that Fragrance Ingredient
Can Cause Cancer

Last month (July 28) a committee convened by the National Academy of Sciences confirmed
a federal interagency group’s conclusion that styrene, a chemical building block used to
produce a wide variety of everyday products, can cause cancer.
In formal terms, the report issued by the Academy’s National Research Council endorsed
the 2011 finding by the National Toxicology Program, a collaboration of scientists from
several government agencies, that styrene is “reasonably anticipated to be a human
The committee found “compelling evidence” for that conclusion. Moreover, it said that
some studies would support “a strong argument [for] listing … styrene as a known human
carcinogen” (italics in original). That’s an even more definitive label – signaling a dangerous
substance that should be strictly controlled.
News coverage largely focused on foam cups and some food containers composed of
polystyrene, a substance made up of long chains of styrene molecules linked together.
Polystyrene contains small amounts of styrene itself.
Styrene also turns up in automobile exhaust, cigarette smoke and – you might be
surprised to know – it might be lurking in the various sprays and liquids you’ll find in
the cosmetic and cleaning aisles of your supermarket. That’s because it is an ingredient
allowed in fragrances added to a wide variety of consumer products.
Which fragrances? Which products? Unless you happen to have a gas chromatograph
or mass spectrometer, you won’t know.
Although all other ingredients in your lip gloss, body wash and other scented cosmetic
products must be disclosed on the label by specific name, the so-called “fragrance
loophole” in federal labeling law means that ingredients added to provide a pleasant
scent, or to mask a bad one, need only be listed under the generic term “fragrance.”
We know only that styrene might be an ingredient in any given fragrance because the
International Fragrance Association, an industry trade group, publishes an online
“Transparency List” of ingredients that perfumers say they use in formulas for consumer
products. Styrene is one of the 3,000-odd ingredients on the list.
Besides cologne and other personal care products, fragrances are also used to scent
household care products such as dish and laundry detergent. When you add up the
number of products in your bathroom cabinets and under your kitchen sink that
contain “fragrance” – and may contain styrene – the total could be many exposures
to a substance we now know is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.”
Right now, however, the only way to steer clear of styrene in personal care products
is to avoid using any that say they contain “fragrance” but don’t list the perfume’s
individual components. That’s because the federal Food and Drug Administration
doesn’t have the authority or resources to evaluate the safety of risky ingredients
such as styrene – and respond accordingly. It will take a long overdue reform of
federal law to ensure that these products contain only safe ingredients.
We at EWG believe that personal care products should never contain unnecessary
ingredients that can cause cancer. This news is just one more reason we need to
reform the outdated federal law regulating these products so that it actually protects
consumers from exposure to dangerous substances such as styrene.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
martes, 19 de agosto de 2014
Conservatorio de Música, la mejor del Caribe, cartelera actividades
Cartelera de Actividades y Conciertos
del 18 al 24 de agosto de 2014
libres de costo!! |
Conservatorio de Música de Puerto Rico
Oficina de Actividades Institucionales
Nuevo lugar, para medicina natural
Como la medicina es tan productiva económicamente, y gigantes compañías manejan y manipulan la producción de alimentos, algunas agencias de servicio se ven obligados a CENSURAR la información
y no publicarla.
Por este motivo, personas responsables como Natural News, han abierto otros medios de
información. Otra, es que por la cantidad de correspondencia y suscritores, no es negocio real para las agencias que dan el servicio, dar mantenimiento a esos espacios informativos. De alguna forma los mueven del lugar.
En adelante muestro el nuevo lugar para accesarlo:
We are now shifting away from F... and ramping up our posts on these new services. Here's how to sign up and start getting Natural News uncensored:
Many people who drink sports energy drinks don't realize these sugary, artificial drinks are "essentially sodas without carbonation":
A recent study shows that GMOs won't save us from climate change regardless of what Monsanto and the pro-biotech people keep saying:
Millions of people suffer from some form of arthritis. But many have been able to reduce their symptoms and even rid themselves of the disease completely:
The FDA is actually doing their job for once! Well, almost. Read about the FDA's new regulations to enforce the "gluten-free" label:
more breaking news continues below...
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Sponsor: Discover the 10 early WARNING SIGNS of Arthritis BEFORE it claims you as its next victim! Click Here
Sponsor: The heart-clogging chemical 98% of American citizens are forced to drink... you must see THIS shocking video
Recuperarse de chikungunya
Conocimiento del dengue de Santo Domingo, chikungunya, declarado epidemia, para saber cómo aliviar los síntomas y evitar se prolonguen los síntomas en el cuerpo. Accesa el site de WikiHow, para más información y gráficas.
Reconoce la fase crónica.
La fase crónica de la chikungunya dura más de tres meses y persiste
hasta dos o tres años. El síntoma principal durante esta fase es la
artritis, fatiga, depresión, debilidad prolongada y severa.
- Los pacientes de chikungunya mayores de 45 años son los que padecen de dolores articulares persistentes. Al principio de la enfermedad, los dolores son severos y se presenta osteoartritis incluso antes del comienzo de la chikungunya.
Esto es en El Salvador, para pescar tiburones. Es un horror.
El Código civil efectivo julio 2014 establece penalidades, sanciones legales para estas personas.
El Código civil efectivo julio 2014 establece penalidades, sanciones legales para estas personas.
Animales - Código Civil
Código Penal – protección
a los Animales
A partir del 14 de
Julio 2014, en el Codigo Penal, lee de la siguiente manera:
De 6 a 3 años de PRISION y multa de $200 a 1,000
dias de salario mínimo a quien con intencion de causarle un daño, provoque la
MUERTE de un animal.
Por lesions, maltrato o crueldad, se impondran
de 20 a 80 jornadas de trabajo y una multa equivalente de 20 a 50 días de
salario mínimo.
A quien lesione o afecte permanente las
funciones físicas de un animal o ponga en riesgo su vida, se impondrán de 80 a
120 jornadas de trabajo y multa de 100 a 300 días de salario mínimo.
A las personas que le han pasado el carro deliberadamente a
mis perritos, siendo bebés, puppies, que el conductor del carro, que se ha
salido domingo en la mañana 10 am, de la carretera para subir casi a la acera
para atropellarlo, vaya este mensaje.
Con testigos frente a el, sin importarle. Es una comunidad que no son
nuestros, no son de nuestro País, que he escuchado decir que envenenan a los
perros y gatos. Habiendo llegado el gato mío, y el de mi vecina envenenados a
nuestras casas. No son de aquí, esta personas. Y en dos ocasiones he escuchado
decir que van a envenenarlos.
Deben haber una excepciones en cuanto a estas sanciones, porque hay perros muy agresivos que han hecho daño a niños y adultos. Estos son los pitbull y los dalmatians. Que los veterinarios advierten sobre los dalmatians, porque la promoción de la película 101 dalmatian dan la impresión de ser perros dóciles, cuando son realmente perros agresivos, no aptos para niños. Y si los dueños los utilizan para otros fines, hay que poner una excepción y aclaración a esta protección que es justa.
Deben haber una excepciones en cuanto a estas sanciones, porque hay perros muy agresivos que han hecho daño a niños y adultos. Estos son los pitbull y los dalmatians. Que los veterinarios advierten sobre los dalmatians, porque la promoción de la película 101 dalmatian dan la impresión de ser perros dóciles, cuando son realmente perros agresivos, no aptos para niños. Y si los dueños los utilizan para otros fines, hay que poner una excepción y aclaración a esta protección que es justa.
lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014
Vivencias - 2
Le contaba a mi hijo de los personajes de la comunidad que pasaban cuando yo, niña,residía en la urbanización Caparra Terrace. Las casas son duplex, esto es unidas. Y nuestra vecina era muy buena persona. Pasaban por frente a nuestra casa el hombre que vendía huevos, a espera de ser llamado por alguna ama de casa. Pasaba como personaje dando servicio el panadero. Sólo vendía pan.
--Eeeelll pannn, venteaba al aire su promoción.
Pasaba y dejaba sus litros de leche, el lechero. Tenía muy buena relación con los vecinos. Podía dejar la leche con chocolate, y la variedad de tamaños. Fue muy difícil acostumbrarnos a estar privados de este servicio. También teníamos el servicio de amolar tijeras, ya que se cosía mucho. Las amas de casa, la primera opción era coser la ropa, la segunda, comprarla.Primero un silbido especial con un pito armónica, y luego cantaba - - el amoladorrrr. Por ser diestras todas las señoras de la máquina de coser, existían los Bazares. Entonces, si no llegas a los bazares, venía el Quincallero. Quinkallero. Como se diga. Este traía los utencilios necesarios, como agujas, retazos de tela, elásticos, hilos.
Ya cuando jovencita me mudo a Puerto Nuevo, allí comenzé a ver a los otros personajes comunitarios.
El revendón. Era una urbanización de personas mayores, y no se guiaba mucho. Así, que el revendón suplía los vegetales y todo lo necesario para sofritos y resolver para la comida. Por aquí, pasa una vez aprox. cada dos meses el amolador. Pasa exporádico el revendón. Pero el personaje que justo pasaba y que me llamaba mucho la atención era el que vendía escobillones. Por decir el nombre con un estilo peculiar y no estar acostumbrada a ese nombre, me asomé por la ventana para ver, lo que dejaba muy pequeños a cualquier jefe de mercadeo. El estilo del hombre, muy listo, era este:
Gritaba, --essscobiiiillón. Pero lo curioso era que se paraba frente a las ventanas "cerradas" y hablaba con la ventana cerrada y le decía, desea comprar escobillón?? El tenía la convicción de que detrás de esa ventana aparentemente cerrada, estaba en la rendija (como yo me encontraba en esos momentos) alguna posible compradora, pensando, decidiendo, si compraría su mercancía. Así, que el no se daba por desanimado, que no saliera nadie. El sabía que todo su mercado, y toda su clientela, estaban esperando por el "acercamiento" para salir a comprarle el escobillón.
Qué es un escobillón? Es una escoba con un palo super largo, y arriba las fibras (naturales) estaban amarradas en forma redonda, para el uso de deshollinar. Sacar las telarañas de las paredes, de cortinas, de las esquinas de los techos. Labor que el vacum cleaner ha sustituído. A veces, es mejor usar un escobillón, y hacerlo inmediatamente....
Por último, pasaba, en sólo ocasiones, el que vendía ajo. (no era parte del quincallero). Sólo en una bicileta, decía:
---ajo del País. Le pedí a mi compañía - avanza, quiero ajo. A lo que replicó - chica, estamos en tiempo de elecciones. Me detuve a analizar, la relación de las Elecciones de políticos y la venta de ajos. Ok.
Me dije. Es cosa de pronunciación...
ajodelelel País.
Y no compré. Al final, no tendría.Sight & Sound Theatres, at Pennsylvania and Missouri
The next travell stop must be in Sight and Sound Theatres, at Pennsylvania. My relative have visited recently and be so impressed, he like it so much, due he recommend it to me.
Like what you see? Buy Sight & Sound DVDs or download movies and watch them today in the comfort of your own home, church activity or school.
Somes inspiring presentations are:
Behold the Lamb, Ruth, Psalms of David, Behind the Scenes Tour, and
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(extended during show times)
(800) 377-1277
Sight & Sound Theatres is a Christian theater company based in
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, operating the Millennium Theatre in Ronks,
Pennsylvania and a similar facility in Branson, Missouri
Those are somes of the acts they offers to the public: Watch the You Tube, at the bottom to see thems. what you see? Buy Sight & Sound DVDs or download movies and watch them today in the comfort of your own home, church activity or school.
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Behold the Lamb, Ruth, Psalms of David, Behind the Scenes Tour, and
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The address for the two theathers, are:
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Mon-Sat 8:30am-5:00pm(extended during show times)
(800) 377-1277
martes, 12 de agosto de 2014
domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014
Se pueden agregar especias, como la pimienta, la canela y la cayena, las que te ayudarán a estimular el metabolismo, pero nunca azúcar o sal.Toma 1 vaso de estos jugos entre 3 a 5 veces al día y ....vigila tus comidas.
1. Jugos para favorecer el peristaltismo
¼ de taza de papaya
2 ciruelas pasas
½ manzana roja
Mezclar todo bien y servir fresco
2. Jugo refrescante y depurativo
¼ de taza de jugo de toronja
¼ de taza de sandía picada, sin cáscara ni semillas
Licúe los ingredientes y tome de inmediato
3. Jugo rico en antioxidantes y refrescante
¼ de pera
½ toronja rosada
Batir y tomar frio
4. Jugo de resistencia y la fuerza
¼ de batata pequeña
¼ de pera dura
½ naranja mediana
Batir todos, con un poco d hielo, tomar frio
5. Jugo rico en fibra y vitaminas
2 tallos de apio verde
1/4 manzana roja mediana
3 fresas
1 /4 de naranja mediana
Bata y tome con la fibra
6. Jugos con alto contenido en calcio
½ zanahoria mediana
3 trozos de brócoli fresco
¼ de limón sin corteza
½ taza de perejil fresco
Mezcle bien y disfrute su sabor
7. Jugo rico en potasio y vitaminas
½ tallo de apio
¼ zanahoria mediana
¼ de taza de espinaca fresca
¼ de taza de perejil fresco
1 cucharada de jugo de limón
Mezcle y sirva frio
8. Jugos para desintoxicar
• ¼ de zanahoria
• 1 hojas de lechuga limpia
• ¼ de pepino sin cáscara
• ½ tallo de apio
• ¼ de tomates picados
Bata y sirva bien frio.
viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014
Ebola patient flown to Atlanta (Georgia)
Infected Ebola patient being flown to Atlanta:
Are health authorities risking a U.S
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Tags: Ebola victim, air transport, continental USA
(My personal comment from Idalia - Atlanta Airport is the most used place for the airplane scale
for the soldiers, who uses to fly.)
Learn more:
Learn more:
(NaturalNews) A patient infected with Ebola is being flown into the United States to be held for medical examination and treatment at Emory University in Atlanta, reports The Guardian. (1) "Emory University Hospital in Atlanta is set to receive a patient infected with the deadly Ebola disease currently sweeping through swaths of west Africa," the paper reports. The patient is reportedly one of the American doctors who was recently infected with the disease.
This event will make the first time in history that a level-4 biohazard infectious agent is being transported by air into a large U.S. city while still multiplying inside a living patient. This startling revelation brings up all sorts of questions that range from the gullibly hopeful to the impossibly sinister. Here are some of the thoughts going through people's minds on this right now:
Thought #1) HUH? Why are they bringing an infected Ebola patient into the USA? Do they want to start a pandemic here?
Thought #2) Hooray for Emory! They are reaching out to save the life of a brave American doctor!
Thought #3) They are going to use this guy as a human guinea pig to run medical experiments on him, hoping to produce a profitable treatment for Ebola.
Thought #4) This is commendable! There's simply better medical care in the USA and medical professionals want to save this doctor's life.
Thought #5) At what risk? Isn't transporting an infected patient by air, even in a private aircraft, just begging for a pandemic outbreak across the United States? Doesn't this risk the lives of 300 million people?
Thought #6) The Department of Defense needs the body so they can harvest newer strains of Ebola as part of their viral weaponization program.
Save the doctor!
Personally, I tend to think there are multiple layers of agendas happening here all at the same time. At the most basic level, front-line doctors and medical scientists simply want to save their colleague, and they likely believe bringing him back to the USA offers him the best chance of survival.At the same time, we cannot refute the fact that there are drug company profit interests at stake in all this. The worse the Ebola problem becomes, the more money can be made from future Ebola vaccines or anti-viral treatment drugs. We already know one company called Tekmira has already been awarded a $140m contract by the Department of Defense for its Ebola drug development program.
At an even spookier level, we also know that Ebola is one of the most easily weaponized viruses on the planet. We also know the U.S. Department of Defense has already developed weaponized strains of Ebola and keeps them supercooled in a level-4 biohazard facility somewhere. This is justified on the grounds of "national defense," of course, just in case the survival of the nation one day depends on deploying a global killer virus on enemy territory, I suppose.
You can bet blood samples from this patient will be shared with Pentagon virologists, just in case it's some new strain with a mutation that makes it an even better bioweapon than what the military already has.
At what risk?
Nobody argues with the compassionate idea of saving the life of an American doctor. The man put his life on the line for others, and he deserves our best efforts to save his. My prayers are with him as he struggles to overcome this terrible disease.At the same time, we must all very carefully consider the risks associated with intentionally bringing Ebola into the USA, transporting it across a large body of water in which the virus could never survive on its own. By transporting this patient into North America, U.S. health authorities may have just followed the steps the virus "wanted" them to follow.
What happens if someone makes a mistake during this patient transfer and the virus gets loose? The proof that mistakes can happen even among well-meaning doctors is readily apparent in the fact that this well-meaning doctor sadly became infected himself. He obviously did not intend to become infected with Ebola. Thus, even medically-trained personnel can and will underestimate the ability of this Ebola strain to spread.
What happens if there is an air transport accident? Suppose the jet experiences a critical flight systems failure and barrel rolls into the forests of Georgia? The chance of this happening may seem very, very small but it is not zero. And if it happens, then suddenly we have Ebola on the loose in Georgia, possibly spreading across the streets of Atlanta.
What happens if a terrorist organization operating inside U.S. borders stages some sort of raid or attack on the Emory University isolation room for the sole purpose of acquiring (and then deploying) Ebola as a bioweapon? Is this doctor's room going to be guarded by Special Forces teams to prevent this? What security will exist around this patient?
What happens if this Ebola victim infects others at Emory University who are working on him or near him? Surely there will be blood draws taking place, and blood draws and IVs involve sharp objects. Sharp objects pierce protective gloves and clothing. One little prick from a needle is all it takes for a full-blown infection to occur, and yes it has happened many times in the past with a variety of infectious agents.
Obviously, infectious disease experts are going to be extremely careful with this patient and everything he comes into contact with, but 100% containment is impossible to achieve. You might achieve 99.999% containment or even better, but the physical process of moving a doctor from an aircraft into a hospital isolation room involves a level of risk which is greater than zero. No one can honestly say there is zero chance of an Ebola outbreak occurring from this situation, because "zero" isn't a valid concept when Ebola is at your doorstep.
Why not send the medical teams to the patient instead?
Why are U.S. health authorities not sending U.S. medical teams to the infected patient instead of bringing the infected patient to America? This is not an irrational question. Why not give this doctor the advanced treatment he deserves and keep Ebola a continent away at the same time?These are questions we should all be seriously asking right now as the future of all our lives may be impacted by these decisions. Ebola is nothing to play around with, and over-confidence in dealing with Ebola can be fatal to a great many people.
Remember, this particular strain of Ebola has already overwhelmed the full government resources of several countries in West Africa. Doctors who were fully versed in safety measures involving biohazards underestimated their own exposure and allowed themselves to become infected. This virus has already shown an ability to out-maneuver a surprising number of health experts, including one of the world's top Ebola doctors who died from the disease earlier this week. Now, Emory University infectious disease experts are bringing this virus to the continental United States, and the rest of us can only sit back and hope they haven't grossly underestimated the ability of this virus to leap from victim to victim.
Because if they're wrong, it's not just a simple matter of a doctor making another mistake: it's something that could place all our lives at risk by subjecting us to a deadly pandemic with a horrifyingly high fatality rate of 50 - 90 percent. (Interestingly, the high fatality rate actually works against the virus because it causes victims to die so quickly that they don't live long enough to spread it around. A more "successful" virus would have a much lower fatality rate of around 5% coupled with very long incubation times in infected carriers.)
The recent discovery of loose smallpox vials in CDC labs doesn't exactly give me confidence in the government's ability to handle infectious disease agents in a safe manner. As Natural News previously reported: (2)
The virus was stored recklessly in six glass vials inside a cardboard box. It was previously thought that this pathogen, "one of the most virulent infectious diseases" known to mankind, was kept only in two places, one at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and the other at the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology (VECTOR) in Novosibirsk, Russia.
If you're looking for solutions for preventing Ebola infections, check out this article on Chinese Medicine formulas for treating "hot blood" pandemics.
Sources for this article include:
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