jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2016
Los últimos tiempos, escuche ahora
Les incluyo la página rica en información e orientación, para conscientizarnos a todos, del profeta Mario Fumero. Si alguien cae, Dios levanta a otro profeta. Y el señor Fumero no ha sido rebelde al llamado divino de orientar, y alertar para que no se confunda nadie.
Para detenernos en este correr diario y analizar por nuestras vidas, que es lo que realmente vale, y los nuestros. Todo lo demás es perecedero.
Tienes a tu derecha una lista de temas para orientarte, a no ser rebelde al llamado de despertar divino.
Qué está sucediendo en estos momentos, vemos y escuchamos tantas cosas y van sucediendo a una velocidad increíble. Lee y orientate de un profeta verdadero. Hay un versículo de la Biblia que alerta del tiempo, y esto es a lo que se refiere el escritor con el tema - Se está poniendo el sol sobre ...EU.
hazte el regalo, léelo
por tí y por tus seres queridos.
Sé el sacerdote de tu hogar y de tus seres amados.
sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2016
Georgia, link como una alternativa a tu destino
Orlando o nada? No. Hay otras alternativas. te incluyo el link de Georgia, para que lo explores.
Al menos para visitarlo. Disfrútalo.
Enlace activo
FDA-approved food products banned in other countrie
By George Zapo
Wednesday, August 6, 2014 at 05:02pm EDT
Keywords: banned food, BVO, FDA, food, food products, Olestra, Ractopamine, rBGH, recombinant bovine growth
Banned food products
of other countries are sometimes approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). American supermarket shelves are filled with food
products the FDA claims are safe for consumption. However, other countries find
the same foods unworthy and ultimately ban them for the benefit of public
health and safety.
Perhaps, the FDA has
not got around to inspecting the foods other countries consider unsafe. Or,
maybe they are in the process of doing followup reviews on suspected food
additives. Nonetheless, the following are food products to avoid for a
variety of reasons.
Banned food of other
countries the FDA approves
One of the banned food products in other countries are drinks that contain the chemical brominated
vegetable oil (BVO). Drinks
containing BVO are banned in Japan and throughout the European continent.
Initially, chemical companies patented BVO as a flame retardant.
Citrus drinks like
Squirt, Fanta Orange, Gatorade Thirst Quencher Orange, Mountain Dew, Fresca
Original Citrus, Powerade Strawberry Lemonade, and Sunkist Pineapple contain the
flame retardant BVO to
keep the drink’s citrus flavor. There are a number of health concerns about BVO; however, the FDA has
research pending on this chemical. Nevertheless, they allowed the use of BVO as
a food additive for now.
Be cautious of some fat-free
snacks; some are banned food products by countries like Canada and the
United Kingdom. Many fat-free snacks contain a fat substitute known as olestra (olean). Olestra is free of calories and is
used in “fat-free” products like french fries and chips. Products to be
aware of are Proctor & Gamble’s Fat-Free Pringles, Fat-Free Sour Cream and
Onion Pringles, and Fat-Free Bar-B-Q Pringles. Frito-Lay’s light chip products,
like Doritos Light Nacho Cheese, Lay’s Light Original, Ruffles Light Original,
Tostitos Light Restaurant Style, and Lay’s Light KC Masterpiece BBQ also
contain olestra.
Humans have difficulty
in digesting olestra; they develop gastrointestinal disturbances, including
looser and more frequent bowel movements, fecal urgency, anal leakage, and
diarrhea. Olestra quickly reduces and drains blood levels of important
fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins, K, E, A, and D. Baked potato chips are a
healthier option.
Play close attention
to dairy
and milk products;some are banned food
in other countries due to a variety of reasons. In order to increase milk
production, some farmers inject cows with the syntheticrecombinant bovine
growth hormone (rBGH). At least 30
countries have banned food products containing rBGH, including Israel, Canada, Australia,
New Zealand, and the European Union. However, the FDA still allows rBGH usage.
The danger to humans
includes an increased risk of breast, colon, and prostate cancers, as well as
the potential of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
development. In order to avoid cattle products containing this
synthetic hormone, look for products labeled “No rBGH” or “rBGH-free.”
In the United States, meats are not tested for the drug ractopamine.
However, more than 160 countries banned food tainted with this dangerous drug.
Countries like China, Russia, Taiwan, and much of Europe find the drug causes
chromosomal abnormalities. It also has an adverse affect on the human
cardiovascular system. Additionally, it can cause behavioral changes and
increases hyperactivity in humans.
In the last 15 years,
pigs tainted with ractopamine poisoned 1,700
people. Nonetheless, some meat producers still inject cattle,
turkey, and pigs with ractopamine to reduce the animal’s fat content. To evade
this drug in your diet avoid feedlot beef and choose grass-fed beef, instead.
Since the FDA approves
foods other countries ban vigilance is necessary when purchasing products
today. Knowledge is also essential when choosing groceries and merchandise for
the home. Learn how to read labels of food products and household items to
prevent diseases and support a healthy lifestyle.
Upon learning this, you will think that happened long ago, but no. There is still a place to live, and not say for its scenery, but for their ideals as a society who do not follow the standards to which we are accustomed. In this town there is no money, no religion, no politics. This is truly a paradise to live.
Think only in a place where there are none of these factors, where you can finally live in peace.
This place exists and is called “Auroville”!

It was founded in 1968 and was hailed as an international city by UNESCO, as its inhabitants are over 50 nationalities and different cultures. They coexist without any problem, since they have a
political system, have no religion, and on top, do not use money and getting all living through the system of exchanges.
Auroville is located in South India, 150 kilometers from Chennai in Madras.

In this epic city, the buildings are made based on an experimental architecture, as they are constantly changing. This is because these structures seek to optimize the use of renewable energies and their main objective: reuse and recycling.
The person who designed and managed to found this wonderful city was: Mirra Alfassa, better known as “Mother”.
“There should be a place on Earth that no nation could claim as their own; where all human beings of good will who have a sincere aspiration could live freely as citizens of the world, obeying one single authority, that of the supreme truth. A place of peace, concord and harmony where all the fighting instinct in man were used exclusively to overcome the cause of their sufferings and miseries, to overcome their weaknesses and ignorance, and to triumph over their limitations and disabilities. A place where the needs of the spirit and interest of progress precedence over the satisfaction of desires and passions or the pursuit of pleasure and material enjoyment,” was the idea of Alfassa.
From this hypothesis, we now have this amazing international city.
This city is positioning itself as a model of sustainable eco-city. It is a method developed by the multi-cropping, combining fruit trees, cornfields and orchards, organized into 15 farms, reaching an area of 160 hectares. In this way, they ensure much food, so supply the population.
In these farms work 50 villagers and 300 neighbors, producing 2% of rice and cereals consumed and 50% of vegetables.
Also, the village is also self-sufficient in milk and dairy products, and fruits in season.
Despite not being the only city that takes this model itself is special for receiving protection by UNESCO, and is a clear example of how it will be our way of life in a few more years, when Earth begins to manifest the consequences our mistreatment of her.
Definitely this city is an example, where one of its principles is healthy, both mentally and physical life.
We have nothing more to congratulate and wish all follow that model of life. Would you be in agreement with this new style of society?
Chennai, eco-city, Madras, Mirra Alfassa, no money, no politics, no religion, protected by UNESCO, self-sustaining community, the universal city of auroville
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