Acid reflux medication could severely harm
the health of your kidneys
the health of your kidneys
Friday, May 13, 2016 by: L.J. Devon, Staff Writer
Tags: PPIs, acid reflux, kidney disease
Tags: PPIs, acid reflux, kidney disease
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(NaturalNews) As pharmaceuticals change people's natural physiology, they leave
damaging effects in both the short and long term. Drugs that reduce acid reflux,
such as Prilosec, Zegerid and Prevacid, systematically raise one's blood pressure,
and, according to new research, damage the health of the kidneys. John Hopkins
University found a 15 percent increase in chronic kidney disease over a 10 year span for
those who used these drugs.
damaging effects in both the short and long term. Drugs that reduce acid reflux,
such as Prilosec, Zegerid and Prevacid, systematically raise one's blood pressure,
and, according to new research, damage the health of the kidneys. John Hopkins
University found a 15 percent increase in chronic kidney disease over a 10 year span for
those who used these drugs.
These proton pump inhibitor (PPI) pills work by blocking the natural enzymes in
stomach acid. As a result, a person's enzymes are reduced to just 10 percent of
their normal levels. (Stomach acid is essential for protecting the gut from infectious
pathogens.) With continued use of PPI's, a person hinders their body's ability to
assimilate vital nutrients, thus becoming more prone to infection and nutrient deficiencies.
stomach acid. As a result, a person's enzymes are reduced to just 10 percent of
their normal levels. (Stomach acid is essential for protecting the gut from infectious
pathogens.) With continued use of PPI's, a person hinders their body's ability to
assimilate vital nutrients, thus becoming more prone to infection and nutrient deficiencies.
Previous studies point out that PPIs increase a person's risk of contracting deadly infection
C. difficile. It's obvious that PPIs destabilize the healthy microbial organisms in the gut.
One major 10-year study published in the British Medical Journal in 2011, found that these
drugs put users at a 20 percent greater risk of heart attack. Scientists at Houston Methodist
Hospital found that these drugs deplete supplies of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide helps
relax the blood vessels, explaining the pills' high blood pressure connection.
Change the types of foods you eat to prevent acid refluxThe burning sensation of acid
reflux, although irritating, is not something that should be
physiologically suppressed, causing further damage to the body. Acid reflux is a signal
that the digestive system is not working properly. It's a signal that the foods going into the
body are a burden to the body. People who suffer from acid reflux are eating greasy,
processed fast foods that the body is simply rejecting. To find relief from acid reflux long
term, changes have to be made to the quality of food in the diet.
reflux, although irritating, is not something that should be
physiologically suppressed, causing further damage to the body. Acid reflux is a signal
that the digestive system is not working properly. It's a signal that the foods going into the
body are a burden to the body. People who suffer from acid reflux are eating greasy,
processed fast foods that the body is simply rejecting. To find relief from acid reflux long
term, changes have to be made to the quality of food in the diet.
Some of the best foods that help settle acid reflux are ginger root, apple cider vinegar and
activated charcoal. Unlike PPI pills, ginger root relieves nausea and calms the stomach,
while also benefiting vitamin assimilation and kidney health. Just don't expect the
medical doctor to prescribe ginger root the next time you tell him about acid reflux. In
England alone, there were 53 million prescriptions for PPIs in 2014, clearly demonstrating
that the medical profession is absolutely clueless about the dietary needs of individuals,
and the health benefits of something as simple as ginger root. The National Institute for
Health and Care Excellence (NICE) instructs doctors to prescribe PPIs for acid reflux and
peptic ulcers, and the doctors just go along and follow protocol, never seeing what these
drugs are doing to patients long term. Doctors hardly ever stop and think about what a 90
percent reduction in stomach acid could be doing to their patients' ability to fight off infection
or utilize nutrients.
PPIs increase risk of developing chronic kidney disease
The newest research linking PPIs to kidney damage was conducted at Johns Hopkins
University in Baltimore, Maryland. For 14 years, researchers tracked thousands of patients
with cardiovascular disease. As patients got hooked on the bad science of these PPIs, over
ten years their risk of developing chronic kidney disease went up by 15 percent. Many of
these patients ended up in hospital beds. Studies show that 46 percent of all hospital
patients are on PPIs.
Tim Spector, gastroenterologist at King's College London, documented changes in gut,
mouth and nose bacteria when patients were on PPIs. The bacteria that cause infections
increased in the mouth and nose areas, while the beneficial bacteria in the gut decreased in
number when PPIs were taken.
"These microbes have a much more important role in human health than previously
thought," says Professor Spector.
It's this imbalance of beneficial gut microbes that has been linked to all sorts of health
problems, including kidney disease. PPIs also limit the body's ability to use calcium,
therefore weakening the kidneys and ultimately the bones.
PPIs increase risk of developing chronic kidney disease
The newest research linking PPIs to kidney damage was conducted at Johns Hopkins
University in Baltimore, Maryland. For 14 years, researchers tracked thousands of patients
with cardiovascular disease. As patients got hooked on the bad science of these PPIs, over
ten years their risk of developing chronic kidney disease went up by 15 percent. Many of
these patients ended up in hospital beds. Studies show that 46 percent of all hospital
patients are on PPIs.
Tim Spector, gastroenterologist at King's College London, documented changes in gut,
mouth and nose bacteria when patients were on PPIs. The bacteria that cause infections
increased in the mouth and nose areas, while the beneficial bacteria in the gut decreased in
number when PPIs were taken.
"These microbes have a much more important role in human health than previously
thought," says Professor Spector.
It's this imbalance of beneficial gut microbes that has been linked to all sorts of health
problems, including kidney disease. PPIs also limit the body's ability to use calcium,
therefore weakening the kidneys and ultimately the bones.
There's really no reason to take PPIs for acid reflux if a person is willing to make changes
in what they eat. Otherwise, these acid reflux inhibitors are going to destroy the health of
the microbiome, weakening a person's ability to use nutrition, fight infection, and even
maintain strong bones and kidney health
in what they eat. Otherwise, these acid reflux inhibitors are going to destroy the health of
the microbiome, weakening a person's ability to use nutrition, fight infection, and even
maintain strong bones and kidney health
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